Sara Delahan
print web multimedia video

XDR Technology Presentation

This presentation was a companion piece to the Active Speaker presentation, originally shown on a computer monitor above the Mackie booths at two different trade shows (AES and NAMM). It looped unattended and provided details about the company's new XDR microphone input technology and products. Eventually, the project was repurposed for CD to be mailed to the company's sales representative.

I designed the entire presentation in Director, pulling some of the photos and graphics from the existing tabloid brochure and preparing them for the screen with Photoshop. I also incorporated and edited existing animations created with Flash. When the presentation was to be mailed, I added navigation and a table of contents to allow the user to step through the slides at his/her own pace. Mackie later acquired wide-aspect monitors so I added graphics to the left and right to fill the wider aspect ratio.

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(Click images for a larger view.)
XDR Technology presentation

XDR Technology presentation

XDR Technology presentation