Sara Delahan
print web multimedia video

This web site was originally based on the company's extensive sales literature.This front page format came about from a need to bring attention to new products or other timely informaton. It is designed to feature one major story and three minor ones in an attempt to provide something of interest for different types of visitors. The top and bottom navigation remained consistent throughout most of the site to provide access to the main categories. The subpages contained section-specific navigation on the left-hand side.

I designed the navigation with JavaScript rollovers and set up the information architecture. I then selected the photo scans, optimizing them for the web using Photoshop, and pulled most of the content from existing sales literature and advertisements. I created finished pages using Symantec Visual Page and BBEdit. It was my responsibility to maintain the accuracy of the site and to update it as new products were developed

The Mackie site has changed quite a bit since I was in charge of it. To see the last iteration under my charge, please contact me.

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